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No More Safety Pins !! Use Our Saree Clips to Wear Saree ..
Buy Easy Clips at $9.95
Easy Clips are elegant, magnetic clips that hold your Saree palla and pleats in place.
Wear Saree Perfectly !! Try..
Buy Saree Pleat Maker at $14.95
Saree Pleat Maker is an easy to use gadget that makes pleating a saree effortless.
Welcome to Sari Saheli
Sari Saheli's Pleat Maker and Saree Clips makes wearing a saree easy. Make perfect front pleats and palla pleats by yourself in minutes. Use our magnetic Easy Clips to hold your saree together. Easy Clips are classy, magnetic clips for holding your saree together. They are the simplest, safest, and quickest way to hold together your pleats, palla, chuni, lengha dupatta, and more.
Now you can dress up in a desirable Saree style all by yourself, by simply following our How to wear Saree Guide. With Saree Pleat Maker you can make front pleat and set palla with in just 4 easy steps. Our Sari Magnetic Clips helps you to drape a saree , and keep Saree Pleats and saree Palla together. Saree Clips can drape any saree fabric / cotton even it is an extremely slinky or hard-to-drape material. Just watch our tutorial videos and learn how sari saheli made sari wearing and draping so easy..!!
New, shimmering rhinestone clips in various colors look great with all kinds of sarees! The best of both worlds: Beauty and comfort. Our new rhinestone-decorated Easy Clips come in many colors. They will hold together your saree and are a great accessory, too!

Saree wearing or Saree draping is perceived differently by women of different ages and of different backgrounds. For many, wearing sari is as easy as putting on a salwar Kameez. These are mostly the moms of 80s, or the younger ladies who grew up wearing saree. But for a majority of younger generation saree wearing remains a challenge. Saree is not a day to day dress for this group. Then lot goes into how you wear saree. There is big difference in wearing a saree and wearing a PERFECT saree. We used to make fun of my grandmother for whom saree draping was mostly about wrapping it around her body to cover it. She would start tucking it in on her way out and all done before she is on the street. No mirror or pins needed, it did not matter if her front pleats were aligned, pallu was set in style. That is okay – she was happy with that. Just like many others, I learned saree wearing from my mom. I continued to wear saree as mom had shown to me. It was only in the later years that I realized the difference between my saree style and a perfect look saree. After investing some time in learning the essentials of a perfect saree draping, now I happily and with some pride fix my mom’s saree pallu minutes before the party. I would like the younger generation to feel better for not knowing on how to wear saree. It is because they want to wear saree perfectly. Today saree is a symbol of fashion, style and grace. While it is okay to wait for an aunti to help pleat your saree or fix your saree pallu before a party, or having the beautician dress you up in that perfect saree look, it can be very rewarding to put on your saree on your own. Knowing how to drape saree allows you to be creative. It will eventually save time and perhaps some money also. Biggest of all is that it is fun to put on your saree on your own and be ready to pass the talent to your daughters. I believe dressing up should be fun not frustration. Invention of Sari Saheli, the gadget to help with saree is towards an effort to help my friends to start wearing saree on their own with confidence and joy. Know your Saree: Had I not seen one of my favorite nieces trying to put on a saree, I would not be writing this paragraph about knowing your saree. Seeing my niece trying hard to figure out how to handle this 6 yard piece of fabric - what side of saree to start with, how and where to tuck, what to do first could have made to the funniest videos. I do thank her for making me realize the details needed in explaining the saree wearing. Just watch These tutorial videos and learn how sari saheli made sari wearing and draping so easy..!!”
- Sari Saheli Owner, Suniti Jain.